from left: Clemens Plaschka, Michael Sixt, Laura Machesky, Irma Querques, Axel Jahns, Phong Nguyen

Eppendorf Award 2024: A Premium on Smart Research

June 2024. Hamburg, June 2024. This year, the Hamburg based life sciences company Eppendorf SE is awarding its prestigious research prize for the 29th time. The independent jury chaired by Prof. Laura Machesky, Cambridge, UK, selected Dr. Clemens Plaschka, IMP - Institute of Molecular Pathology, Vienna, Austria as the winner of the Eppendorf Award for Young European Investigators 2024. He receives the 20,000 euro award for his research on the molecular machines that generate and export messenger RNA. The award is given in recognition of his ground-breaking discoveries revealing the mechanisms by which messenger RNA is produced, matured, and ultimately exported to the cytoplasm. “Plaschka’s structural and mechanistic investigations have revealed fundamental insights into how cells express genes and his work has implications for human diseases involving mutations in core mRNA processing machines”, the judges said.

In addition, the Eppendorf Prize 2024 honours two finalists: Irma Querques, Assistant Professor and Group Leader at the Max Perutz Laboratories at the University of Vienna receives accolade for her work on new strategies for transposon-mediated genetic manipulation. Phong Nguyen, PostDoc at the Hubrecht Institute, Utrecht, and now at Institut Curie Paris gets recognition for his research on the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying heart regeneration.

The Award Ceremony took place on June 27, 2024 at the Advanced Training Center of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg, Germany.

Source: Eppendorf SE

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